How to stop China winning without war

A review of 'Political Warfare: Strategies for Combating China’s Plan to 'Win Without Fighting'' by Kerry K. Gershaneck

Taiwan News
Date: 2020/11/28
By: William Stanton , Taiwan News, Contributing Writer

Many of the strongest American voices warning about the threats the People’s Republic of China (PRC) pose to the world are current and former U.S. military officers.

They have also been among the most stalwart supporters of Taiwan. Many years of military exposure to the very real dangers Taiwan, the United States, and other countries face from the PRC’s increasingly aggressive behavior sharpens minds and instills strong concerns.

A prime example is Kerry K. Gershaneck, a former Marine officer who has worked for the past three years as a visiting professor (Taiwan Fellow) at National Chengchi University. Gershaneck is a friend of mine and has written an important book, "Political Warfare: Strategies for Combating China’s Plan to 'Win Without Fighting.' It is published by the Marine Corps University Press.

"Political Warfare" offers a carefully researched assessment of the PRC threat to win without war, and the political strategies and tactics to do so. The book is based not only on open sources and interviews, but also on Gershaneck’s 35 years of experience, in the military and as an academic, working on national intelligence, counterintelligence, and international relations, both in the U.S. and many countries overseas.    [FULL  STORY]

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