Focus Taiwan
Date: 2016/01/03
By: Yu Kai-hsiang and Elizabeth Hsu
Taipei, Jan. 3 (CNA) Once a year, a line of over 1,000 plastic stools and deck
chairs forms outside Longshan Temple (龍山寺) in Taipei’s oldest district of Wanhua, keeping the places of people eager to have a lamp lit on their behalf to improve their fortunes in the new year.
This year has been no exception, with the line forming in the plaza outside the temple since New Year’s Eve, and with good reason.
Getting on line early means a lower number card and earlier registration of the type of lamp they want lit to get the blessings of the gods for the year.
There are several lamps to choose from, including the Guang Ming (brightness, 光明) Lamp, the Ping An (peace, 平安) Lamp, the Tsai Shen (god of fortune, 財神) Lamp, and the Yao Shih (buddha of medicine, 藥師) Lamp.
A total of 180,000 lamps are being offered at the temple this year, but only 20,000 of the highly popular Yao Shih Lamps for people praying for good health will be available. [FULL STORY]