‘TAIWAN 4.0’:Hung envisions boosting public investment in information technology to improve food safety, long-distance caregiving, transportation and disease control
Taipei Times
Date: Sep 02, 2015
By: Alison Hsiao / Staff reporter
Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) presidential candidate Hung Hsiu-chu (洪秀柱) yesterday
unveiled her blueprint for transforming Taiwan into a “smart country” by increasing government investment in information and software technology and revolutionizing related infrastructure and regulations to apply smart governance to various aspects of the nation.
Hung’s campaign team called the policy proposal “Taiwan 4.0.”
“It is from Taiwan 1.0, or the post-war 1950s, during which the baby boomers were born and strived to survive, through Taiwan 2.0, the era of development from 1960 to the ’80s, to Taiwan 3.0, the period of democratization and globalization from 1990 to 2010,” the team said.
“While people can now easily get hold of information with the aid of technology, such as the ubiquitous smartphone, the government — from local to central — still operates in the 20th century,” Hung said. [FULL STORY]