The China Post
Date: December 7, 2017
MOTC Road Traffic Safety Committee and the Taiwan Beverage and Alcohol Forum
(TBAF) have co-organized an “I pledge NOT TO drink & drive” film contest and invited senior high school, vocational high school and college students to join the competition. From Oct. 16 to Nov. 17, a total of 92 films have been submitted, 74 from college students and 18 from high school and vocational school students—a very enthusiastic participation. These students presented a new attitude of “no drunk driving” through various styles in their films to influence and promote deeper understanding of road traffic safety and invite more to join the pledge. The organizers also held a ceremony at the MOTC grand hall on Dec. 6, announcing the top 3 winners of the contest, selected by scholars and representatives from both governmental agencies and advertising agency as well as by the online popularity level (numbers of hits for “Like” and “Share” combined).
Inviting students to join the pledge and present filmsto showcasea new attitude of “no drink driving” [FULL STORY]