Illegal money transfers linked to Taiwan election

The authorities have also raided more than 1,000 underground gambling rings

Taiwan News
Date: 2019/12/12
By:  Taiwan News, Staff Writer

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwanese intelligence and law enforcement agencies are probing

Premier Su Tseng-chang. (CNA photo)

underground transfers of overseas money totaling NT$100 billion and investigating if it is linked to campaigns aimed at influencing the upcoming elections.

The Ministry of Justice (MOJ) said at an Executive Yuan meeting on Thursday (Dec. 12) that it had been investigating 66 cases of underground money transfers since July. More than NT$100 billion (US$3.2 billion) was wired from a number of Chinese cities, Hong Kong, Indonesia, and Vietnam to Taiwan.

A total of 279 people are believed to be involved and six people have been detained by the authorities, according to MOJ. The ministry added that it had seized NT$618 million in account savings, money in foreign currencies, as well as six property units owned by the suspects.

However, the ministry said further investigation was required to determine whether the money transfers were intended for election betting, or as donations to specific candidates. With the presidential and legislative elections less than one month away, the authorities are focused on criminal activities that could affect election outcomes.    [FULL  STORY]

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