‘Taiwan has affirmed its commitment to strengthen its ties with India under the New Southbound Policy’
Taiwan News
Date: 2017/10/12
By: Jose Kalathil, Taiwan News, Contributing Writer
NEW DELHI (Taiwan News) — “Taiwan has affirmed its commitment to strengthen its
ties with India under the New Southbound Policy,” said Ambassador Chung-Kwang Tien, Representative of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Centre in India (TECC), during the 106th National Day celebrations here.
He said since President Tsai Ing-wen took office in May 2016, Taiwan has developed five flagship projects — from industrial supply chains to youth exchange platforms to regional farm-cooperation — and three potential-laden fields, namely e-commerce, infrastructure and tourism, for enhanced collaboration with India.
“India as the world’s largest democracy and Taiwan as the first democracy in the Chinese speaking area, both share the universal values in peace, freedom and human right, and so should work together to promote regional peace and stability, tackle transnational crimes, take actions against climate change and achieve UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) together,” he said.
About 250 guests enjoyed the Taiwan Beer served on the occasion along with six Taiwanese delicacies prepared under the supervision of chef Chen Wen-Tung from Taiwan’s National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. . [FULL STORY]