Indonesia wants death sentences for 4 Taiwanese drug smugglers

Four tried to smuggle amphetamines in on a fishing boat flying the Singaporean flag

Taiwan News
Date: 2018/06/05
By Matthew Strong, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – Prosecutors in Indonesia are requesting death sentences for

Taiwanese citizens during a previous drugs trial in Indonesia. (By Central News Agency)

four Taiwanese men accused of trying to smuggle drugs into the country by sea, reports said Tuesday.

The four men were arrested on board a fishing trawler, the Shun Te Man No.66 (順得滿66號), near Bataan Island last February 7.

The vessel was illegally flying a Singaporean flag, while inside, Navy inspectors found 1,029 kilograms of amphetamines packaged in 41 rice bags, the Central News Agency reported.

The prosecutor in charge of the investigation, Dedi Siswadi, said his service would ask the court to find the four men guilty and give them death sentences, which in Indonesia are often still carried out, even in the case of foreign nationals.    [FULL  STORY]

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