Focus Taiwan
Date: 2016/05/23
By: Lin Meng-ju and Frances Huang
Taipei, May 23 (CNA) Taiwan’s industrial production fell for the 12th consecutive month in
April amid lingering weak global demand, the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) said Monday.
The MOEA said the industrial production index fell 4.06 percent in April from a year earlier to 102.12, equaling the streak of 12 consecutive months of negative growth in the index seen during the global financial crisis from September 2008 to August 2009.
Yang Kuei-hsien (楊貴顯), deputy director of the MOEA’s statistics department, said Taiwan’s industrial production will likely continue to register year-on-year declines in May and June because there are few signs global demand will pick up any time soon.
But he expected that the magnitude of the dips in May and June could be smaller and said Taiwan could see industrial production return to positive growth in the second half of the year. [FULL STORY]