Lin Fei-fan told The News Lens he plans to leave his country later this year to advance his vision for Taiwan independence and left-wing politics.
The News Lens
Date: 2017/01/24
By: Edward White
“The Sunflower Movement gave us an unprecedented opportunity to do something beyond electoral politics.”
In a stuffy conference room in central Taipei on Jan. 7, political activists and legislators from Hong Kong and Taiwan discussed the political environments and democracy movements in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Tucked away in a corner, Lin Fei-fan (林飛帆), sat at a desk listening to the group, which included local politicians from Taiwan’s reform-focused New Power Party and Hong Kong democracy campaigner Joshua Wong (黃之鋒).
Despite an apparent attempt at anonymity, Lin’s presence did not go unnoticed by the cadre of local and international media. As the morning wore on, a steady stream of people approached him and eventually he agreed to an interview. As he moved to the back of the room, the dozens of cameras and reporters turned from the panel of speakers and swarmed on Lin. [FULL STORY]