THREE-HORSE RACE:Inventec Solar Energy chairman Tom Cho, Inventec Appliance chairman Jackson Chang and Inventec president Huang Kuo-chun are the front-runners
Taipei Times
Date: Jan 07, 2017
By: Lauly Li / Staff reporter
Inventec Corp (英業達) chairman Richard Lee (李詩欽) yesterday said he is seeking a successor by June and hopes to lower the management’s average age to energize the company.
“The new chairman should be younger than 65 years old. I will make this happen at a board meeting in June,” the 69-year-old Lee told reporters ahead of a company event at the Nangang Exhibition Hall in Taipei.
Lee, who joined Inventec the year after it was established in 1975, has been chairman since founder Yeh Kuo-yi (葉國一) retired in 2008.
Under his leadership, Inventec secured smartphone orders from Chinese company Xiaomi Corp (小米) in 2010, merged its solar subsidiaries Inventec Solar Energy Corp (英穩達) and Inventec Energy Corp (英懋達) in 2015, and increased its server segment’s revenue contribution from less than 20 percent to between 35 and 40 percent last year. [FULL STORY]