It’s Apple that copies us, HTC executive retorts

Want China Times
Date: 2015-10-22

A senior executive of Taiwan’s HTC Corp denied Wednesday that the design

HTC's A9 smartphone. (Photo/Yen Chien-lung)

HTC’s A9 smartphone. (Photo/Yen Chien-lung)

of one of its new smartphones had copied Apple’s iPhone, saying HTC’s is a pioneer metal-clad design.

“We’re not copying. We made a uni-body metal-clad phone in 2013. It’s Apple that copies us in terms of the antenna design on the back,” Jack Tong, president of HTC North Asia, said at a press briefing at the Taiwan launch of the One A9.

HTC enabled the ecosystem in terms of the design breakthrough in radio signals for a metal-clad phone, Tong said, referring to HTC’s One M7 that was unveiled in 2013.

“The A9 is made thinner and more lightweight than our previous metal-clad phones. This is a change and evolution, and we’re not copying,” he said.     [FULL  STORY]

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