Jury advocate gives roses to judicial reform panel

ENGAGEMENT:Former grand justice Hsu Yu-hsiu recommended that judicial documents be written in plain language to make them easier to understand

Taipei Times
Date: Mar 26, 2017
By: Jason Pan / Staff reporter

Taiwan Jury Association chairman Chang Ching (張靜) yesterday presented officials at

Taiwan Jury Association chairman Chang Ching, second left, holds 50 roses before entering the Supreme Court in Taipei yesterday. Photo: CNA

the fourth subcommittee meeting of the national conference on judicial reform at the Supreme Court in Taipei with red roses before a discussion on how to implement a jury system.

Chang, a former judge who quit but continued to practice law as an attorney, wanted to draw attention to his case, enabling effective participation and input by citizens in the judicial process through a jury system.

His move was apparently mocking Judicial Yuan President Hsu Zhong-li (許宗力), who has led conservative forces within the judiciary to oppose a jury system, saying: “Pushing for a jury system in Taiwan is like trying to grow roses in the desert.”
[FULL  STORY]http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2017/03/26/2003667504

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