Keep the bonds strong among the US, Israel, Taiwan and the Pacific Islands

The Hill
Date: 08/04/19
By: Dylan Adelman, Opinion Contributor— 08/04/19 11:00 AM EDT 20

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Mike Pompeo will become the first U.S. Secretary of State to visit the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) when he arrives in the Pacific Island nation on Monday. His meeting with the leaders of FSM, the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) and Palau will be a significant signal to both friends and adversaries in the Pacific that U.S. commitment to these partners is strong and growing deeper.

They are several of the smallest and most isolated countries in the world. With their scarce resources, high economic volatility, health crises and the constant threat of natural disasters — notably, rising sea levels that threaten their very existence — U.S. engagement and support is indispensable.

They also are of critical geopolitical importance. Each boasts healthy democracies, represents positive diplomatic voices in the international community and has a vote at the United Nations General Assembly, which they have used consistently in support of American global interests. 

Besides the U.S., Israel and Taiwan also have offered unique support. With profound mutual respect and diplomatic ties that date, in some cases, prior to declarations of sovereignty, bonds among these three societies and those on the Pacific Islands run deep.    [FULL  STORY]

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