Ko elected chairman at TPP founding

VALUES: The party was founded to change Taiwan’s political culture and rid it of corruption, Ko Wen-je said, as independence advocates rallied against him outside

Taipei Times
Date:  Aug 07, 2019
By: Lee I-chia  /  Staff reporter

Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je, center left, poses with his supporters outside the National Taiwan University Hospital

Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je, center left, poses with his supporters outside the National Taiwan University Hospital International Convention Center in Taipei after he announced the establishment of the Taiwan People’s Party yesterday.
Photo: Liu Hsin-de, Taipei Times

International Convention Center in Taipei after he announced the establishment of the Taiwan People’s Party yesterday.

The Taiwan People’s Party (台灣民眾黨, TPP) was formally established yesterday in Taipei, with the party announcing its constitution and the election of Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) as its chairman.

The founding ceremony was held at the National Taiwan University Hospital International Convention Center, with hundreds of people attending.

Ko arrived shortly past noon and was welcomed by enthusiastic chants of: “Taiwan’s choice — Ko Wen-je,” “The best choice — Ko Wen-je” and “The party members’ choice — Ko Wen-je” — similar to the slogans used during his mayoral re-election campaign last year.    [FULL  STORY]

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