Lawmakers pass some air control drafts

PROGRESS: Opposition parties called for giving the EPA more control, while the New Power Party wanted to allow local governments to set stricter standards

Taipei Times
Date: Jun 26, 2018
By: Yang Chun-hui and Sherry Hsiao  /  Staff reporter, with staff writer and CNA

Legislators yesterday passed the third reading of draft amendments to Article 12 of

Members of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) legislative caucus wave placards at the Legislative Yuan in Taipei yesterday, urging fellow legislators to vote against the government’s proposed amendments to the Air Pollution Control Act.  Photo: Liao Chen-huei, Taipei Times

the Air Pollution Control Act (空氣污染防制法), now all that is needed for the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to consult with — rather than decide with — the Ministry of Economic Affairs on regulations related to controlling the total volume of air pollution.

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) agreed to change the phrasing of Article 12 after opposition parties called for giving the EPA more control.

Draft amendments to Article 9, which allows emission allowances to be obtained for stationary sources of air pollution through trades and auctions or by reducing the emissions of mobile sources, also passed its third reading yesterday.

Article 9 encourages companies to obtain emission allowances by buying used cars to speed up the replacement of older cars.    [FULL STORY]

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