Laws bolstered to counter espionage

INTELLIGENCE ACT: People who leak information about secure mobile or land-based communications would face 10 years to life with no statute of limitations

Taipei Times;
Date\ Dec 14, 2019
By: Sean Lin  /  Staff reporter

Lawmakers yesterday passed amendments to the National Intelligence Services Act (國家情報工作

Legislative Speaker Su Jia-chyuan bangs his gavel at the Legislative Yuan in Taipei yesterday to mark the passage of amendments to the National Intelligence Services Act.
Photo: Liao Chen-huei, Taipei Times

法), which stipulate that intelligence personnel who spy for an external force and leak information on national defense, national security or communications security could face life imprisonment.

The act previously stipulated a prison term of at least seven years for personnel spying for an external force, or three to 10 years if leaked intelligence was not in the three categories.

People who have access to sources of intelligence, channels, agencies or personnel, or information pertaining to the upholding of mobile or land-based communications security would face a prison term of 10 years to life if they are found to have leaked classified information as spies for a benign or hostile external force, the new rules say.

The 30-year statute of limitations for such charges was extended to a lifetime.    [FULL  STORY]

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