“Let history speak for itself,” Taiwan President says work of transitional justice will be underway soon

Taiwan remembered the 228 Incident from seven decades ago with events taking place simultaneously on Wednesday across the country

Taiwan News 
Date: 2018/02/28
By: Teng Pei-ju, Taiwan News, Staff Reporter

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwan remembered the 228 Incident from seven decades ago

President Tsai Ing-wen attends the 228 Peace Memorial Day event (By Central News Agency)

with several events taking place simultaneously on Wednesday across the country, but the most important of all should be a solemn event held at the 228 Memorial Park where government leaders gave their promises to the victims of political persecution and their family that they would soon see the belated justice.

The event with the park sealed off from the public centered not only around remembering the 228 Incident, but also on the work of restoring the truth about those who were politically persecuted and executed under the Kuomintang-led authoritarian regime as the Act on Promoting Transitional Justice was passed last December.

The act provides a legal framework for forming a committee that will look into political archives and possibly set the stage for retrials of previous unfair convictions.

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