Focus Taiwan
Date: 2015/06/08
By: Kuo Chu-chen and Lilian Wu
Taipei, June 8 (CNA) The head of an illegal paraglider operation in Pingtung, southern

A derelict truck used to obscure a government sign post that prohibits paragliding in the area is pictured in this file photo.
Taiwan, has been indicted for manslaughter after one of its patrons fell to his death early this year.
The Pingtung District Prosecutors Office noted that a 21-member group of South Koreans visited Saijia, Pingtung, in January to go paragliding.
One of them, a 51-year-old man surnamed Lee, fell from the sky after his paraglider took off and collided with another paraglider piloted by a Canadian man.
The operation was run by a man surnamed Su, who ostensibly runs a high-tech company, and he had not applied to the Pingtung County government for a license to operate. He charged his customers NT$1,500 (US$48) per flight. [FULL STORY]