Low screening rate explains rise in breast cancer in Taiwan: expert

Focus Taiwqan
Date: 2016/07/04
By: Chang Ming-hsuan and S.C. Chang

Taipei, July 4 (CNA) A low screening rate may be behind an increase in a higher incidence of

CNA file photo.

CNA file photo.

new cases of breast cancer in Taiwan, physicians and experts said Monday.

Less than 40 percent of women invited to take advantage of free breast cancer screening took such a test in 2014, far below the 60 percent target set by government agencies and medical institutions, said Lai Chi-ming (賴基銘), CEO of Formosa Cancer Foundation.

He cited a study as saying that in 2013, new breast cancer cases reached 11,281, up 756 cases from 2012, or 3.2 per 100,000 population, making it the top cancer among women.

Breast cancer incidence is up while new cases of all other cancers have been on a decline in Taiwan, he noted.     [FULL  STORY]

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