‘GROUNDLESS’:Prosecutors in their probe into the sale of three media outlets have violated the principles of confidentiality, objectivity and proper procedure, Ma said
Taipei Times
Date: Apr 26, 2018
By: Hsieh Chun-lin and Jonathan Chin / Staff reporter, with staff writer
Former President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) yesterday exercised his right to remain silent
during questioning at the Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office as part of an ongoing inquiry into an alleged breach of financial regulations during the sale of three media companies formerly run by the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT).
The KMT in 2005 sold Central Motion Picture Corp (CMPC, 中影), China Television Co (CTV, 中視) and Broadcasting Corp of China (BCC, 中廣), after an amendment to the Broadcasting and Television Act (廣播電視法) in 2003 barred political parties, the military and politicians from owning media outlets.
Ma, who was then-KMT chairman, is accused of illegally facilitating the sales of the media outlets below market value, which would be a breach of the Securities and Exchange Act (證券交易法).
Ma left the office after four hours of questioning and immediately issued a statement, saying the prosecution is procedurally unjust and that he exercised his right to silence.