MAC chief hopes tourist tragedies won’t reoccur

The China Post
Date: July 24, 2016

TAIPEI — Taiwan’s top official on mainland China policy said Saturday that the government and

Buddhist monks perform traditional rituals to call back the spirit of killed mainland Chinese tourists on the No. 2 National Freeway on Saturday, July 23. A section of the highway was closed for the ceremony, which was attended by the victims' families. (CNA)

Buddhist monks perform traditional rituals to call back the spirit of killed mainland Chinese tourists on the No. 2 National Freeway on Saturday, July 23. A section of the highway was closed for the ceremony, which was attended by the victims’ families.

the travel industry are making every effort to improve safety for tourists, while expressing hopes that tourism will continue to help promote peace between the two sides.

“We hope that similar tragedies will not occur and that Chinese tourists will feel safe traveling in Taiwan,” said Chang Hsiao-yueh (張小月), head of the Cabinet’s Mainland Affairs Council.

She was speaking as she visited a funeral parlor in Northern Taiwan’s Taoyuan City to pay respects to the 26 people killed in a bus fire on Tuesday, including 24 from mainland China.

She expressed her condolences to the families of the victims and said she hopes that the deceased will rest in peace.

On Tuesday, a bus carrying 23 Chinese tourists, a Chinese tour guide, a Taiwanese driver and a local guide began to belch smoke on the No. 2 National Freeway in Taoyuan City while on its way to Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport.    [FULL  STORY]

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