Man tries to burn down KMT headquarters

Taipei Times
Date: Jun 01, 2018
By: Hsieh Chun-lin and Jake Chung  /  Staff reporter, with staff writer

A middle-aged man yesterday morning attempted to torch the Chinese Nationalist

A man surnamed Tsai, right, who yesterday broke into the Chinese Nationalist Party’s (KMT) headquarters in Taipei and started a fire, is escorted in handcuffs by a police officer at the Taipei District Prosecutors Office.  Photo: Chien Jung-fong, Taipei Times

Party’s (KMT) headquarters, the Taipei City Police Department said, adding that they are still investigating his motive.

A 43-year-old man surnamed Tsai (蔡) broke into KMT headquarters and started a small fire, but was stopped by two security guards, police said.

One of the guards is in intensive care for observation after sustaining a smoke inhalation injury, police said.

Tsai was a member of the Bamboo Union gang and has a criminal record for obstruction of liberty, fraud and threatening others, police said, adding that he might be indicted for breaching the Public Safety Act (公共危險罪).

Tsai entered the premise and shouted “Mind your own business” before pouring gasoline over the carpet and setting it ablaze, the guards said in their statements.

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