Taiwan News
Date: 2016-03-25
By: George Liu, Taiwan News, Contributing Writer
Living a fast-paced 21st century lifestyle frequently means family takes a back seat to gadgets and the 24-7 job of promoting a personal online “brand.” Few are lucky enough to be able to combine their careers with family or interests. Ricky and Jerry Chang can be considered two of these fortunate individuals who get to combine work, enjoyment, and family. These two young brothers are both attending university and working as models.
Beginning in kindergarten, Ricky and Jerry have always attended the same schools. Currently, both are studying in the Department of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology and Department of Nutrition and Health Science at Fooyin University in the Daliao District of Kaohsiung City. The brothers have already obtained medical technician licenses and are studying for additional certification as dieticians. Given their busy academic schedule, they find time to advance their modeling careers on evenings and weekends.
Older brother Ricky has been modeling for about a year and introduced Jerry to the industry six months ago. Ricky originally began modeling to supplement his income but soon discovered his new job gave him a level of confidence he never imagined possessing. In the past, Ricky would ask one of his good friends to help him make every important decision in his life, one, because he lacked confidence and, two, as a way of shifting responsibility away from himself. This all changed after Ricky started modeling. He sees his newfound confidence as a gift he can share with people to encourage them to break out of their shells and do something new. He also truly believes that anyone can be a model as long as they work hard. [FULL STORY]