Military divorcee pension bill meets stiff resistance

GOLD DIGGERS: A KMT legislator said a proposal to award former spouses of military personnel half of their pensions would encourage people to marry soldiers for the money

Taipei Times
Date: Jun 15, 2018
By: Peng Wan-hsin  /  Staff reporter

A draft bill that would allow former spouses of military retirees to claim half of their ex-

Legislative Speaker Su Jia-chyuan, center, yesterday speaks to the media at the Legislative Yuan following cross-caucus negotiations over proposed pension reforms for retired military personnel as Deputy Minister of National Defense Po Hung-hui, right, listens.  Photo: CNA

spouse’s pension after divorce — part of the proposed military pension reforms — was set aside for further deliberation yesterday after Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Legislator Ma Wen-chun (馬文君) said the rule could be exploited.

Lawmakers yesterday sparred about the proposal during cross-caucus negotiations over pension reform plans.

The proposal could spawn social problems, as it could motivate some people to marry high-ranking officials only to divorce them later in hopes of claiming half of their pension, Ma said.

The Civil Code already sufficiently covers divorce, rendering the proposal redundant, KMT Legislator Chiang Wan-an (蔣萬安) said, adding that it could “reopen old wounds” for long-divorced litigants, who might have to appear in court to settle the division of property anew.    [FULL  STORY]

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