Military to beef up missile launch procedure

The China Post
Date: July 25, 2016
By: Joseph Yeh ,The China Post

TAIPEI, Taiwan — Taiwan’s Armed Forces have asked a top military research facility to add extra safety measures before the launch of a missile, which would include a password, to prevent a deadly misfire incident from happening again, a source told local media on Sunday.

A senior military source who prefers to stay anonymous told the Central News Agency that the Defense Ministry had asked the National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (NCSIST, 中科院) to come up with new safety mechanism before a missile could be launched.

These measures include asking the NCSIST to design a new missile launch simulation mechanism that allows military officers to conduct drills without the risk of accidentally activating a missile as a Navy petty officer did during the July 1 incident.

The source noted that the military had also asked the research unit to add another safety measure: a password, to be entered launching a missile.

Only a warship’s commanding officer (CO) would know the password and it would have to be entered by the CO to initiate the launch, the source said.     [FULL  STORY]

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