The commissioned documentary consists of three shorts by three directors who address social issues surrounding the old, the poor and the sick
Taipei Times
Date: Sep 11, 2015
By: Ho Yi / Staff reporter
Ways into Love (來得及說再見) is a work of socially-responsible filmmaking funded by
President Chain Store (統一) with an aim to raise public awareness of issues surrounding the old, sick, isolated and poor.
The documentary is composed of three stylistically diverse shorts by filmmakers Singing Chen (陳芯宜), Shen Ko-shang (沈可尚) and Huang Chia-chun (黃嘉俊). Each tackles a different topic and is supported by one of the three participating welfare organizations: Mennonite Social Welfare Foundation (門諾基金會), Liver Disease Prevention and Treatment Research Foundation (肝病防治學術基金會) and Hondao Senior Citizens’ Welfare Foundation (弘道老人福利基金會).
In A Real Meal (好好吃飯), Chen’s modest and patient use of the camera introduces three elderly people who live alone and rely on services provided by volunteers from Mennonite, who deliver two meals a day to the old and the needy across Hualien. Chen subtly reveals the fear and longing of her subjects and shows how a simple act — opening a bag of rice — can be an insurmountable task. [FULL STORY]