Focus Taiwan
Date: 2015/05/21
By: Sunrise Huang and Evelyn Kao
Taipei, May 21 (CNA) With the help of a local charitable group, a girl from Myanmar
who suffers from extensive hemangiomas of the tongue — or severe swelling — arrived in Taiwan on Monday for treatment.
Taiwan Root Medical Peace Corps (TRMPC, 臺灣路竹會), a private non-profit organization whose mission is to provide free medical services, discovered during a trip to Myanmar in August last year that Pu Shuan-ting (濮雙婷), a girl of Chinese descent living in a mountainous area in northern Myanmar, has a swollen tongue that was bleeding irregularly and cannot be withdrawn into the mouth, TRMPC Chairman Liu Chi-chun (劉啟群) said Thursday.
The swelling gradually increased to the present size that is three times the normal size of a child’s tongue, according to Liu. [FULL STORY]