New AIT office shows U.S.-Taiwan ‘enduring friendship’: Washington

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2018/06/05
By: Chiang Chin-yeh and Frances Huang

Washington, June 4 (CNA) The new office compound of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), the de facto embassy of the United States in the country, reflects the “enduring friendship” between Washington and Taipei, the U.S. Department of State said Monday.

“The new AIT office complex is a demonstration of the United States’ strong commitment to and enduring friendship with Taiwan,” a State Department spokesperson said in an email reply to a request by CNA for comment on completion of the new facility.

“Through AIT, the United States and Taiwan share values and enjoy close cooperation on a wide range of regional and global issues,” the spokesperson said.

In May, AIT Director Kin Moy (梅健華) said the institute will hold a “dedication ceremony” for the completion of the new compound in the Neihu area in Taipei on June 12, and it will be attended by “good friends of Taiwan” from Washington as a “tangible symbol of U.S.-Taiwan friendship.”    [FULL  STORY]

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