New Fipronil residue tolerance in eggs to take effect

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2018/06/27
By: Chang Ming-hsuan and William Yen

Taipei, June 27 (CNA) The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a press

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statement Wednesday saying that it has set the maximum tolerance level for the insecticide fipronil in eggs at 0.01 parts per million (ppm), to take effect Friday.

Last year, incidences of fipronil-tainted eggs were reported around the world, including Taiwan. Local authorities seized and incinerated more than 500,000 eggs after a country-wide investigation found 45 farms to be supplying eggs with excessive levels of the insecticide.

At the time when the fipronil scare occurred, Taiwan had no rules regulating the pesticide’s residue in eggs. To reassure the public, the authorities decided to adopt 0.005 ppm — the instrument detection limit — as a provisional standard for fipronil inspection.

However, the Council of Agriculture (COA) decided that the standard was too strict and proposed to the FDA that it should be relaxed.    [FULL  STORY]

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