New naturalized citizen sets sights on public office

Taipei Times
Date: Jun 05, 2018
By: Wang Chun-chi and Jonathan Chin  /  Staff reporter, with staff writer

Former Chinese citizen Zhou Shuguang (周曙光), who yesterday applied for a Republic

Former Chinese citizen Zhou Shuguang holds up his Republic of China identification card in Hualien County yesterday.  Photo: Wang Chun-chi, Taipei Times

of China (ROC) passport after becoming a naturalized citizen and obtaining an ROC identification card on Thursday, has expressed an interest in running for public office so that he can experience democracy in action.

The journalist, who achieved international fame after exposing Beijing injustices on his blog, yesterday said that he appreciates, but does not shy away from, the symbolism of requesting an ROC passport on the 29th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.

Zhou, also known as Zoula (佐拉), became qualified to obtain ROC citizenship after residing in Hualien’s Rueisui Township (瑞穗) with his Taiwanese wife for the past seven years.

An information technology engineer by profession, Zhou was born in 1981 in China’s Hunan Province, and gained renown as an independent journalist when he used his blog as a platform to publish stories on Beijing’s land appropriations, suppression of freedom of speech and oppression of ethnic minorities.    [FULL  STORY]

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