New rules for drone use passed by Cabinet

Radio Taiwan International
Date: 2017-10-26

An amendment to the Civil Aviation Act to include registration, operation,

An amendment to the Civil Aviation Act to include registration, operation, inspection and violation regulations for the use of drones was passed by the Cabinet on Thursday. (CNA file photo)

inspection and violation regulations for the use of drones was passed by the Cabinet on Thursday.

The amendment says any drone weighing more than 25 kilograms must be registered. That applies whether it is owned by a government agency, school or individual member of the public. The vehicle must be registered using the person’s real name. The Civil Aeronautics Administration’s deputy director-general Ho Shu-ping explained. “When a drone weighing 25 kilos drops to the ground, it is heavy enough to cause injury. The main reason for the registration of these vehicles is so that if it affects anyone’s safety on the ground or aviation safety, we want to make sure we know who owns the drone.”    [FULL  STORY]

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