Officials are hunting for ocean oil-drum dumpers

‘UNBELIEVABLE’: Diving coach Wang Ming-hsiang and some of his students found the 23 drums while diving near the Chaojing Bay Conservation Area

Taipei Times
Date: Jul 26, 2019
By: Lin Hsin-han and Jake Chung  /  Staff reporter, wit
h staff writer

The people who dumped 23 oil drums in the ocean outside Chaojing Bay Conservation Area (潮境公

A man in Keelung yesterday inspects drums suspected to contain motor oil, which were discovered near a marine conservation area on Wednesday during a scuba diving class.
Photo: Tsai Fu-ning, Taipei Times

園) would be brought to task using data provided by ships that were nearby, said Tsai Fu-ning (蔡馥嚀), head of the Keelung Department of Economic Affairs’ Marine Affairs division.

The perpetrators would be charged with contravening the Marine Pollution Control Act (海洋污染防治法), which could see them fined NT$300,000 to NT$1.5 million (US$9,651 to US$48,255), Tsai said yesterday.

Scuba diving coach Wang Ming-hsiang (王銘祥) and some of his students found the 23 drums outside the conservation area during a practice session on Wednesday, she said, adding that while Wang and the students removed the containers, 500m of seawater has been heavily contaminat3ed.

The drums were full when dumped in the sea and are suspected of containing motor oil for ships, Tsai said.    [FULL  STORY]

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