Want China Times
Date: 2015-05-07
One presidential aspirant from Taiwan’s ruling Kuomintang waded into Taiwan’s
top political issue Wednesday, saying she would use the term “one China, same interpretation” to describe the status quo of relations between Taiwan and China.
Hung Hsiu-chu, a vice chair of the KMT, told a university audience that the de jure status quo of cross-strait ties is “overlapping sovereignty claims by two constitutional governments in two separate jurisdictions.”
In other words, she said, there are two constitutional governments inside “the entire China,” Hung said in speech titled “Whither Taiwan?” at National Taiwan University.
In a question and answer session, a student raised doubts about Hung’s proposal for signing a peace pact with China, asking why China would sign such an accord when it has not given up its claim of sovereignty over Taiwan. [FULL STORY]