Taiwan News
Date: 2016-03-01
By: George Liao, Taiwan News, Staff Writer
To encourage people to take the new road test as part of the whole exam for a regular driver license, people opting for the road test will be given a second chance on the same day to retake the driving test, Taiwan’s Directorate General of Highways (DGH) said on Tuesday.
Starting from March 1, People taking driver’s license exam will be given an option to choose between taking the traditional exam entirely on a specified field and taking a new form of exam that requires taking the exam partially on a test field and partially on the road.
The new form of exam requires certain items to be tested on the test field and certain items to be tested on the road.
A combination of the scores obtained from the field test and the road test will determine whether the examinee can pass the exam or not. [FULL STORY]