OPINION: Taiwan Should Treat Huawei as a National Security Threat

The News Lens
Date: 2019/08/08
By: David Evans

Photo Credit: CNA

Huawei's low-cost economic benefits are no longer sufficient for Taiwan to overlook the security risks it poses.

If the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) can find one silver lining to the Hong Kong protests which continue to dominate international headlines on a weekly basis, it is that the Huawei story has been pushed out of the public eye.

But it is only a matter of time before the issues around Huawei rear their heads again.

Since 2018, United States President Donald Trump has levied tariffs on Chinese products and prompted the CCP’s retaliatory measures. While the world increasingly focuses on the U.S.-China trade war, Huawei is caught in between the two superpowers. The China-based company has taken the global spotlight this year, largely due to major data security flaws in its 5G products.

5G services have started to roll out around the world. Huawei, the world’s largest manufacturer of telecommunications technology, would expect to take an important role in the global development of the new network infrastructure. However, the Chinese company’s close ties to the CCP have made many western countries reluctant to integrate their technology into a risky piece of infrastructure.

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