China’s efforts to ensure Taiwan is excluded from the WHA undermine the global democratic order.
The News Lens
Date: 2018/05/21
By: Kuo-Chang Huang
Once again, Taiwan has been barred from the World Health Assembly (WHA); the decision-
making body of the World Health Organization (WHO) that begins its annual meeting today in Geneva.
Deriving from the PRC’s One-China Principle, under which Beijing asserts Taiwan is part of China and that the government in Taipei is illegitimate, the WHO turned down Taiwan’s application to participate as an observer at the WHA, along with the petitions for Taiwan to attend submitted by several member states.
On May 15, the WHA also refused to authorize Taiwanese media to cover the assemblies proceedings; a move Reporters Without Borders considered as an inherent contradiction to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. [FULL STORY]