Over 72% of new naturalized Taiwanese hail from Vietnam: MOI

Taiwan News  
Date: 2018/06/24
By:  Central News Agency

Taipei, June 24 (CNA) Vietnam remains the major source of foreign spouses in Taiwan, with 3,907 Vietnamese becoming naturalized citizens last year alone, according to the Ministry of the Interior (MOI).

The ministry said Vietnamese accounted for 72.8 percent of the total number of people in Taiwan who gained citizenship last year, with most of them being spouses of Taiwan nationals.

Of the 5,366 newly naturalized citizens last year, 3,907 were from Vietnam, 533 from Indonesia, 471 from the Philippines, 122 from Thailand, 56 from Malaysia, 40 from Myanmar, 12 from Cambodia, and six from Singapore, MOI data showed.

The total number represented a 65 percent increase from 2016, but was a 59.4 percent decline from 2008, the ministry said.    [FULL  STORY]

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