Paiwan youths receive inventions award in traditional robes

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2015/11/01
By: Lin Ting-yi, Tyson Lu and S.C. Chang

Taipei, Nov. 1 (CNA) A group of Binmao Junior High School students wearing Paiwan 201511010021t0001people’s traditional robes and holding a snake totem received a top honor at an award ceremony in Germany Sunday.

The students won a gold medal for improving child shoes at the INEA Nuremberg International Invention Exhibition, in which the Taiwanese delegation was honored with a total of 12 golds, 25 silvers and 18 bronzes.

Lan Chen-fang, a Taiwan educator leading the Taitung County team to the exhibition, said it was the first gold medal award for Binmao Junior High School kids — an achievement that could encourage young people in this remote rural area to make inroads into the international arena.     [FULL  STORY]

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