Parents of Taiwanese student arrested in U.S. issue apology

ICRT Radio News
Date: 2018-03-31

Actor Sun Peng and his wife, a Taiwanese opera singer Di Ying, were due to
arrive in New York at 10 AM Taipei time today to meet their son.

An Tso Sun was arrested in the United States on Wednesday for threatening to
shoot up his high school in Pennsylvania.

The parents issued a public apology yesterday for the commotion the incident
has caused.

But they also asked that the media not distort the truth ahead of their son’s
April 11 hearing, saying such an action could have legal consequences for
their son.

Meanwhile, an official from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New
York has seen the 18-year-old detained in Delaware County prison in lieu of
a $100-thousand U.S.-dollar bail.

Yang Guang-bin said that during the one-hour-long, face-to-face meeting, the
boy remained calm and positive.

Yang said Sun was put in a medical center of the jail and has an
“appropriate” cell-mate.

He has also asked that prison authorities let the parents see their son as
soon as possible.    [SOURCE]

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