Parole for Academia Sinica tax evaders

MASS CONFESSION:Prosecutors said 225 of the doctors and researchers confessed to tax evasion, with NT$78.4m in illegal shelters and NT$260m in forged donations

Taipei Times
Date: Mar 10, 2016
By: Sean Lin / Staff reporter

The Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office yesterday announced that it has put 225

This is a file photo of Tsai Tso-yung, Academia Sinica research fellow. Photo: Taipei Times

This is a file photo of Tsai Tso-yung, Academia Sinica research fellow. Photo: Taipei Times

suspects — doctors and Academia Sinica researchers — who confessed to tax evasion on parole, while it would proceed with charges against 27 others.

Prosecutors first found that the 89-year-old Academia Sinica research fellow and former National Defense Medical Center director Tsai Tso-yung (蔡作雍) and deceased suspect Lee Hung (李鴻) had helped more than 250 doctors shelter up to NT$78.4 million (US$2.36 million at current exchange rates) in what was branded the biggest tax evasion case in the nation’s history five years ago.

Investigation results showed that the suspects forged monetary donations totaling NT$260 million to the Springsoft Education Foundation, founded by Tsai, and the Cheng Han Education Foundation, founded by Lee, in response to requests for research funds.

The suspects made the donations while requesting for research funds equivalent to the amount they pretended to have donated, results showed.     [FULL  STORY]

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