Parties support Hong Kong activists

Taipei Times
Date: Jul 02, 2018
By: Ann Maxon  /  Staff reporter

Members of several political parties yesterday expressed support for Hong Kong

Hong Kong Nationalist Party convener Andy Chan, center, speaks during a news conference in Taipei yesterday discussing the International Monitor of Hong Kong Civil and Political Rights Action Group report on civil and political rights in Hong Kong.  Photo: George Tsorng, Taipei Times

democracy activists facing repression as the International Monitor of Hong Kong Civil and Political Rights Action Group released its first report on civil and political rights in Hong Kong on the 21st anniversary of the territory’s handover to China.

Beijing promised to maintain the “one country, two systems” framework prior to the territory’s handover from Britain in 1997, but continued attempts by the authorities to restrict Hong Kongers’ freedom of speech, as well as civil and political rights, suggest otherwise, Leung Man-to (梁文韜), a member of the group and a political science professor at National Cheng Kung University, told a joint news conference.

The report details the way in which the Chinese government has contravened the framework, preventing pro-independence Hong Kongers from running in elections and ousting two legally elected lawmakers, Sixtus “Baggio” Leung (梁頌恆) and Yau Wai-ching (游蕙禎).    [FULL  STORY]

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