Pedestrian Nightmare: No ‘Refuge’ on Taiwan’s Dreadful Crosswalks

An extended comparison of pedestrian crossings at junctions in Taiwan and the UK shows that Taiwan’s design and standards are clearly not good enough.

The News Lens
Date: 2018/10/13
By: Songshan Charles

Credit: Google Street View

This is Part 2 of a two-part series. Read Part 1 here.

In Part 1, we explored why zebra crossings – which don’t actually resemble zebras – are the main contributors to reductions in road accidents.

Part 1 primarily introduces the regulations and categories of crossings in the UK, as well as detailing the logic they provide for the drawing of markings. Markings and facilities associated with crossings in the UK are said to be the most complex and complete in the world.

However, at the end of the previous article, I mentioned I would respond to the question about an American neuroscience professor who was fatally struck by a bus on Ren’ai Road. I will illustrate two methods of easing pedestrian crossings: pedestrian refuge islands and two-staged crossings.    [FULL  STORY]

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