UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES?Education official Yen Ching-hsiang said he was pleased the ‘erroneous’ policy had prompted students to take part in societal change
Taipei Times
Date: Jun 01, 2015
By: Rachel Lin and Jake Chung / Staff reporter, with staff writer
Students from 120 high schools and vocational high schools nationwide had as of

The demands of an alliance of senior-high school students from southern Taiwan who oppose the Ministry of Education’s planned adjustments to high-school curriculum guidelines are displayed on Facebook on Saturday. Students from 120 schools have signed a petition to protest the adjustments. Screenshot by Hung Ting-hung, Taipei Times
press time last night signed a petition to protest the Ministry of Education’s planned adjustments to curriculum guidelines.
The ministry faces opposition from teachers and politicians, who claim the planned adjustments would force high-school students to use “China-centric” texts that gloss over past atrocities of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) during the White Terror era, as well as suppressing information on efforts of Taiwanese who fought for democracy.
Students from National Taiwan Normal University’s (NTNU) Department of History supported the petitions, adding that it is necessary to support the “simple and sublime ideals” of high-school students in light of what they called “the forced passage of illegal curriculum changes.” [FULL STORY]