Poll finds most favor pension reforms

UNSURPRISING RESULT: Young people were the most enthusiastic about the cuts to public employees’ pensions, while a majority of KMT supporters opposed the changes

Taipei Times
Date: Jul 03, 2018
By: Ann Maxon  /  Staff reporter

More than half of respondents were happy with the pension reforms that took effect on

Taiwan NextGen Foundation chairman Wang Zhin-sheng yesterday announces the results of the foundation’s latest opinion poll at a news conference in Taipei.  Photo: Peter Lo, Taipei Times

Sunday and believe that they would help the nation retain talent and keep pension funds sustainable, a poll by the Taiwan NextGen Foundation said.

Under the new pension system, the majority of civil servants and public-school teachers, as well as most retired military personnel, have seen their pensions cut, while a preferential 18 percent interest rate on some retirees’ savings would also be phased out over two to 10 years, depending on the profession.

Despite a seemingly strong backlash from opposition groups over the past year, the poll found that most respondents supported the reform, foundation board director Wang Zhin-sheng (王智盛) told a news conference in Taipei yesterday.

When asked whether they supported reforming the pension system for the public sector, 64.2 percent of respondents said they did, while only 25.3 percent said they did not, he said.    [FULL  STORY]

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