Focus Taiwan
Date: 2018/04/13
By: Chiang Chin-yeh and Flor Wang
Washington, April 12 (CNA) U.S. Secretary of State-designate Mike Pompeo asserted
Thursday the importance of Washington’s arms sales to Taiwan, which he noted is consistent with its one-China policy.
“I think it’s important as much as America has done for quite some time. Frankly, both the administrations, every administration, Republican and Democrat alike, we provide arms sales necessary, consistent with that one-China policy,” Pompeo said when answering questions from Republican Senator Cory Gardner during a nomination hearing at the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.
Pompeo, currently chief of the Central Intelligence Agency, has been nominated by U.S. President Donald Trump to replace Rex Tillerson, who was fired by Trump from the post last month.
As to the Taiwan Travel Act that took effect in March to bolster exchanges of visits by Taiwanese and U.S. officials at all levels, Pompeo gave no answer when Gardner asked him: “What level would you authorize State Department personnel to visit Taiwan?”