Premier calls for close cooperation with China to fight telecom fraud

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2016/04/17
By: Tai Ya-chen and Evelyn Kao

Taipei, April 17 (CNA) Premier Simon Chang (張善政) has vowed to proactively

Cash, phones ans equipment seized in a raid of the fraud ring in 2015. (CNA file photo)

Cash, phones ans equipment seized in a raid of the fraud ring in 2015. (CNA file photo)

look into overseas telecommunications fraud cases involving Taiwanese suspects and Chinese victims and said he hopes a long-standing systematic model can be established to deal with similar cases through negotiations with China, Executive Yuan Spokesman Sun Lih-chyun (孫立群) said Sunday.

Chang made the remarks during an inter-ministerial meeting on how to best manage similar cases after Malaysia deported 20 Taiwanese implicated in fraud back to Taiwan on Friday, following Kenya’s extradition of 45 Taiwanese to China last week over suspected telecom fraud.

In addition to the cases in Kenya and Malaysia, there are Taiwanese suspected of transnational telecom fraud targeting Chinese victims being held by police in Indonesia, Egypt and South Korea. Therefore, Chang hopes a systematic model can be created through negotiations between Taiwan and China, according to Sun.     [FULL  STORY]


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