Taiwan News
Date: 2016-01-03
By: George Liao, Taiwan News, Staff Writer
Private universities and colleges on the lower level of Taiwan’s higher
education totem pole have been undergoing a brutal death match. They are faced with a live or die situation from a falling birthrate.
Deep into the night of February 13, 2014, a posting quietly appeared on the website of Kao Fong College of Digital Contents, a private college located in southern Taiwan’s Pingtung county, with the signatures of its then acting president and chair of board, announcing that the school had mapped out plans to close. Although just a few words, the brief announcement actually fired the first shot of a real survival game among Taiwan’s numerous universities and colleges.
Half a year later, Yung Ta Institute of Technology & Commerce located in the same county became the second school to bow out of Taiwan’s higher educational arena. [FULL STORY]