Pro-China political party backs KMT’s Han for Taiwan president

CUPP advocates Taiwan’s unification with China

Taiwan News
Date: 2019/08/11
By: Teng Pei-ju, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

CUPP’s chair Chang An-lo (Left) (Source: CNA)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A political party that promotes Taiwan’s unification with China has expressed its support for Kuomintang presidential candidate Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜) in the key election next January.

Notorious gangster-turned-party chair Chang An-lo (張安樂) has said his Chinese Unification Promotion Party (CUPP) will back Han in the presidential bid. He believes Han will bring peaceful cross-strait relations for the next eight years.

The party will seek representation in the legislature but will avoid competing with candidates from the China-friendly KMT, said Chang at an event held in Chiayi County on Saturday (August 10). Chang did not confirm whether he would run in the legislative elections next year.

The pro-Beijing party is controversial due to its record of violence, including attacking National Taiwan University students in 2017 after they lodged protests against a China-sponsored event held on campus. Six CUPP members were convicted of assault and extortion in that incident, including Chang’s son, Chang Wei (張瑋).    [FULL  STORY]

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