Prosecutors detain developer of quake-toppled building

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2018/02/27
By: Yang Sz-ruei, Kuo Chu-chen and Evelyn Kao

Taipei, Feb. 27 (CNA) Prosecutors in Hualien on Tuesday detained the developer of the

Photo courtesy of Hualien District Prosecutors Office

Yun Men Tsui Ti commercial and residential complex that partially collapsed Feb. 6 in a magnitude 6.0 earthquake, killing 14 people.

Prosecutors filed a request with the court to detain Liu Ying-lin (劉英麟) on suspicion of negligent homicide, after they questioned him overnight along with the architect and civil engineer responsible for the project, as well as two business proprietors who operated the A-Kuan hot pot restaurant and the Beauty Inn hotel in the complex.

They found that Liu did not hold licenses that qualified him to work on a construction project, and that the 12-story complex was jerry-built in such a way that significantly lowered its quake-resistance capability and strength.    [FULL  STORY]

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