Q&A: TECO New York’s Brian Su on Fighting for Taiwan Against China

After writing to The Wall Street Journal to make quite clear that ‘Taiwan Is Not a Part of the People’s Republic’, Brian Su talks about the importance and strategy of raising Taiwan’s international profile.

The News Lens
Date: 2018/07/02
By: David Green

Photo Credit: Teco New York

In the midst of a multi-pronged intensification of China’s efforts to constrict Taiwan’s ability to operate in the international space, Brian Su, Deputy Director General of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) New York, wrote to The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) (paywall) to urge corporations and their CEOs not to give in to China’s attempt to bully them.

He wrote: “It must be stressed that Taiwan is not, nor has it ever been, part of the People’s Republic of China. This is the reality that China refuses to face up to while pressuring the world to accept its false claim.”

In the June 12 letter, he presaged a statement last week from Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen that urged democratic nations to stand together in the face of Chinese aggression, saying “Kowtowing to China puts democratic values at risk and will have a grave effect on the liberal international order. The global community should reject China’s intimidation tactics and its false narrative. International companies will do well to note that caving in to China’s coercion now will only invite more.”

Last Friday, The News Lens spoke with Deputy Director Su to learn more about TECO’s New York office and the role it plays in raising awareness of Taiwan in the United States.    [FULL  STORY]

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